Empowered Learning

To ensure the best possible use of iPads, both in Drummond and at home, Edinburgh Council has produced home school and responsible use agreements to be read and signed before an iPad can be collected. 

Update: as the iPads are rolled out, alterations will be made to access them. As such, Touch ID is being enabled on student devices. The home school agreement has been updated to reflect this (below) and this link should answer any questions you have regarding this system


To set up the Ipads at home, follow the step by step instructions provided by the council. These will also be shared in document form on the school website under ‘Empowered learning’ 

If you have an existing school ipad, it will need migrating to the Empowered Learning system. Download the document below to support you doing this.

Ipads will be used for enhancing teaching and learning in and out of the classroom and there are a series of support videos which have been produced to enable the best usage of the resources. These can be found here:


Once your empowered ipad is set up, you will have access to the range of Office 365 products and many more apps via the self service app.

If you need to access Office 365 on the a desktop or laptop, please use the following link: http://tinyurl.com/edi365 %MCEPASTEBIN%

Your username is your payroll number for staff, or SCN for pupils.

How to restrict a child time on Ipad: